CodeWarrior USBTAP & FreeBSD

Justin Hibbits jrh29 at
Sun Aug 16 03:57:39 UTC 2015

I'm trying to debug board bringup of FreeBSD on a Freescale embedded
board, and running into problems (no UART output, no idea if it's
hanging or continuing).  In order to debug this, I've borrowed a
CodeWarrior USBTAP JTAG debugger, but I'm running into problems with
this device.  The TX/RX LED is blinking red when connected to the
Windows laptop I need to use (funny thing is it blinks green when
plugged into my FreeBSD machine, but there's no software that I can
find which can utilize the USBTAP for debugging, and nothing open
source that I can find supports PowerPC).

My question is: has anyone successfully used this setup with FreeBSD
bringup, and if so, how did you configure both the software (using
CodeWarrior 10.5)--both in terms of the CodeWarrior configuration, and
whatever needed to setup a project or otherwise in order to debug
this--and the hardware, and what's needed to use this with a Windows
host?  I've googled, and come up empty.


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