Shorter version: -m elf32ppc_fbsd (and elf_i386_fbsd ?) vs. -Wl, -m, elf32ppc_fbsd problems (11.0-CURRENT and 10.1-STABLE)

Mark Millard markmi at
Sat Apr 18 20:41:45 UTC 2015

[Looks like I'll soon be mostly suspending my FreeBSD explorations for a notable time again. So this completes my notes for the subject and related material. It includes only what I concluded should be changed.]

The following are all appropriate changes as far as I can tell. The i386 case uses LD_FLAGS instead and is commented indicating that it uses ${LD} directly and does not use ${CC}. So chaining it is not appropriate.

# svnlite diff sys/boot/ofw/ sys/boot/powerpc/ sys/boot/uboot/
Index: sys/boot/ofw/
--- sys/boot/ofw/	(revision 281630)
+++ sys/boot/ofw/	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
 CFLAGS+=	-m32 -mcpu=powerpc
-LDFLAGS+=	-m elf32ppc_fbsd
+LDFLAGS+=	-Wl,-m -Wl,elf32ppc_fbsd
 .include "../"
Index: sys/boot/powerpc/
--- sys/boot/powerpc/	(revision 281630)
+++ sys/boot/powerpc/	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
 CFLAGS+=	-m32 -mcpu=powerpc
-LDFLAGS+=	-m elf32ppc_fbsd
+LDFLAGS+=	-Wl,-m -Wl,elf32ppc_fbsd
 .include "../"
Index: sys/boot/uboot/
--- sys/boot/uboot/	(revision 281630)
+++ sys/boot/uboot/	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
 CFLAGS+=	-m32 -mcpu=powerpc
-LDFLAGS+=	-m elf32ppc_fbsd
+LDFLAGS+=	-Wl,-m -Wl,elf32ppc_fbsd
 .include "../"

Mark Millard
markmi at

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