Xorg/xfce4 failing on Dual Processor G4 PowerMac's BUT Single Processor G4 PowerMac works (same boot SSD)...

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at freebsd.org
Sun Aug 31 20:34:22 UTC 2014

So the bug is that on dual-processor G4 systems, you get a black screen 
when starting X, but input works? Is it a dual-head graphics card? 
Sometimes X's logic about which connector is the primary display goes 
wonky and it picks the other one.

On 08/31/14 04:27, Mark Millard wrote:
> I plugged the boot SSD configured for Radeon's into a 466 MHz PowerMac3,4 that has a Radeon card (a single processor G4 model, unlike all prior tests) and did not change the xorg.conf compared to there other 2 Radeon PowerMac tests done with that SSD.
> Xorg with xfce4 worked fine!
> So as near as I can tell 10.0-STABLE powerpc r268571 (July-13) for Xorg with xfce4 from around 9 days later has Xorg-with-xfce4 problems for dual-procesor G4's only.
> Single processor G4's and Dual processor G5's and two dual-core processors contexts all work fine. The problem is not specific to Radeon or to NVIDIA cards.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at dsl-only.net
> On Aug 31, 2014, at 3:35 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> I should have mentioned the following:
> These SSD's are as they were when I originally reported the original issues on July-23: the ports used match that time frame. That includes Xorg and xfce4. 10.0-STABLE for powerpc is as of July-13 (r268571: the most recent available for non-source downloading) --so also as it was back then.
> As reported before: swapping the Radeon-tied SSD and NVIDIA-tied SSD and swapping back the xorg.conf files used gets the same results. In other words: I can do this with one SSD moving between 4 PowerMacs and the G4's fail and the G5's work, all booted from the same SSD with only minimal  xorg.conf changes to be appropriate to the cards:
> A) NVIDIA needs the BusID change relative to the other NVIDIA. (AGP/PCI-X vs. PCI-express context change.)
> B) Both Radeon's need NoAccel (or "False" for DRI) but their xorg.conf files can be identical.
> C) Of course nv vs. radeon and the list of option line differences is fairly extensive for (A) vs. (B) comparisons but the Options are all disabled (# in front), other than the Radeon's disabling DRI one way or another. These and related (A) vs. (B) differences are not relevant to the general point as far as I can tell.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at dsl-only.net
> On Aug 31, 2014, at 2:51 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> The prior report was for the Radeon G4 and G5 PowerMacs. It turns out that NVIDIA GeForce PowerMacs also have the G4-fails to G5-works status!
> So both G5's work and both G4's do not, despite the differences in card types (Radeon's vs. GeForces). And part of the G4's failures description is the same for each card type.
> The details...
> The same sort of thing happens for the NVIDIA G4 and G5 PowerMacs: Moving the boot SSD from the G4 to the G5, booting from it, and changing the xorg.conf BusID (since it was different in the G5) took a X11 with xfce4 that was not working to a context where the same SSD has X11 with xfce4 working fine with no other changes involved!
>> PowerMac G4 (3,6), GeForce4 Ti 4600: UI hangs during the initial xfce4 "welcome" screen update, frequently without the background being finished. What is displayed seems fine as far as it got. Can still Option-Fn just fine to get back to VTn and use it.
> with a boot SSD
> FreeBSD FBSDG4S0 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0 r268571: Sun Jul 13 05:15:31 UTC 2014     root at grind.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  powerpc
> moved to
> PowerMac G5 (7,11), GeForce 7800 GT
> with the BusID adjusted but being otherwise unchanged has X11 with xfce4 working just fine.
> For the NVIDIA examples no explicit change from the default -configure xorg.conf content was involved: Option NoAccel did not have to be turned on. (It may well be that something automatically did an equivalent for all I know.)
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at dsl-only.net
> On Aug 31, 2014, at 2:02 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> The following eventually reports that moving a PowerMac G4 FreeBSD boot SSD to a PowerMac G5 and booting from it makes X11 with xfce4 go from not working to working. (No other changes are involved.)
> Earlier when trying the "/dev/mem instead of /dev/console for memory-mapping frame buffers in X11 on PowerPC" testing I had reported that I was unable to get to the point of a reasonable test on PowerMac G4's, including for NVIDIA. (http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ppc/2014-July/007124.html)
>> PowerMac G4 (3,6), GeForce4 Ti 4600: UI hangs during the initial xfce4 "welcome" screen update, frequently without the background being finished. What is displayed seems fine as far as it got. Can still Option-Fn just fine to get back to VTn and use it.
> The "PowerMac G4 (3,6), ATI Radeon 9000/PRO If (AGP/PCI)" was far worse off for as much as I tested back then: random varying garbage displayed and it ignored my input after attempting to switch back to to a VTn. Forced power switch based shutdown.
> Now that I've access to the Power Mac's again I experimented more with "PowerMac G4 (3,6), ATI Radeon 9000/PRO If (AGP/PCI)" and I managed to make it work better then what I reported before. Avoiding DRI (use NoAccel or use "False" for DRI) makes the Radeon behave the similar to the NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 as indicated above. The difference is that the VTn stays black when I switch to it. But it does take what I type and executes the commands, such as reboot. (Yep: still syscons.)
> In both G4 contexts the Xorg.0.log that results appears to have no information indicating any failure. Of course in each case /etc/X11/xorg.conf was generated (-configure) for the card in use, but with NoAccel in use.
> The SSD has:
> FreeBSD FBSDG4S0 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0 r268571: Sun Jul 13 05:15:31 UTC 2014     root at grind.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  powerpc
> BUT...
> Now switching that SSD to a G5 PowerMac and booting from it: PowerMac G5 (7,2), Radeon 9800PRO NH (AGP)
> Using the same Radeon /etc/X11/xorg.conf (with NoAccel enabled or with "False" for DRI in each context): X11 with xfce4 works fine!
> Even switching to a VTn works fine on the G5 PowerMac: it is displays correctly instead of ending up with a black screen.
> The generated -configure xorg.conf.new is the same for the two Radeon contexts. But in each case I need to pick an option that disables DRI use in order to get reasonable behavior.
> Without NoAccel/"False"-for-DRI for the G5: text does not display correctly and if composite is enabled with shadows then the shadowing is messed up. Bit/Byte order/alignment issues when accelerated?
> The Radeon 9000 with DRI enabled gets a Xorg.0.log report that r200_dri.so is not found and the Radeon 9800 with DRI enabled gets a report that r300_dri.so is not found. (As is probably expected in each case.) So the behaviors are examples of the error handling for "not found".
> Mac OS X 10.4 works fine in all the PowerMacs involved: no evidence of problems.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at dsl-only.net
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