Question on building from sources.

Glen Barber gjb at
Sat Mar 30 02:03:16 UTC 2013

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 09:31:12PM -0400, Super Bisquit wrote:
> I have my QuickSilver and no internet connection. I have a few questions.
> 1. Do I download the latest for PowerPC(32bit) and then download the
> sources according to the Makefile.

For ports, yes, you will to do 'make fetch' or 'make fetch-recursive'
for third-party software you want to install.

> 2. Will I need to skip checking the hash/md sum so that the
> applications can build?

No.  Hashes are generated locally and compared against information in
the distinfo file.  If there is a mismatch, that is a bug.

> 3. Has anyone else done this before? If yes, then what were your results?

It is painful.  My suggestion is to identify everything you absolutely
need, and do from a separate machine with internet access:

    # sh -c 'for i in `make -C /usr/ports/category/port all-depends-list`; \
	do make -C $i fetch-recursive; \

Note that if anything is missing, build will fail at compile time on the
internet-less machine.


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