Stupid questions on installing

Super Bisquit superbisquit at
Fri Jan 18 00:02:57 UTC 2013

Apologies for busting up the party.

Does anyone else have a PowerBook Titanium with a G4 500MHz processor?
I need the address to the monitor/VGA output.
Printenv states the output-device-1 is screen. Does anyone have an
output-device-2 on theirs? The screen lasts for a few minutes before
the Vertical Stripes show airs.

 Also, again, do I need to format the usb key to hfs to boot it or do
I need to have a hfs partition followed by a ufs partition?
The i386 installation doesn't have support for the APM gpart option.
Will it need to be compiled with it?

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:37 PM, Peter Grehan <grehan at> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
>> Did we ever have an OF-only syscons for FreeBSD (probably early on)? I
>> wonder if it would also go over telnet...
>  Early development was done with the OF console, but due to issues (maybe
> now fixed?) with the context switch to OF from FreeBSD, I abandoned it and
> went for a syscons framebuffer console made to look a lot like a PC.
>  The OF console does still work if you boot under the gdb psim emulator.
>  Not sure if telnet would work - FreeBSD is going to collide with access to
> the gem ethernet and also the decrementer interrupt.
> later,
> Peter.
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