4:3 console on 19:10 screen

Super Bisquit superbisquit at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 20:59:52 UTC 2013

Xorg is done with "Xorg -configure -retro" and you put the values in.

The Gentoo SPARC(64) FAQ section has a part on setting vid mode with
OpenBoot. OpenBoot and OpenFirmware are basically the same thing.

However, know that it is better to use Xorg -configure on a PPC machine.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Julio Merino
<julio+host-g5-jmmv at meroh.net>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a PowerMac attached to a 24" widescreen capable of 1920x1200 at 60Hz.
> The graphics card is an nVidia GeForce FX 5200 Ultra (NV34).
> OpenFirmware properly sets up the screen to its highest resolution and
> uses the full display to show the console.
> When FreeBSD powerpc64 9.1 boots, I get a 4:3 console centered on the
> screen.  According to the monitor's built-in information panel, however,
> the screen is properly set up to 1920x1200.  This makes me believe that
> FreeBSD is correctly setting the display to its native resolution but,
> for some reason, forces the console to be 4:3 (which is a 72 lines by
> 99 columns).
> Any ideas on how to change this?  vidcontrol appears to be not working,
> as the output of "vidcontrol -i mode" is non-sense (and the screen is
> ats native resolution anyway!).
> Thanks!
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