Powermac G5 won't boot after adding a PCI Ethernet Card

Mathias Breuninger mathias.breuninger at espace29.asso.fr
Wed Aug 22 14:40:29 UTC 2012

Hi all,

My Freebsd-9.0-RELEASE (GENERIC64 kernel) Powermac G5 won't boot after adding a PCI Ethernet Card.

It's the early dual processor at 2GHz with PCI-X (http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g5/specs/powermac_g5_2.0_dp.html)
The Ethernet card is a brand new the D-link DGE-528T (http://www.dlink.fr/cs/Satellite?c=Product_C&childpagename=DLinkEurope-FR%2FDLProductCarouselMultiple&cid=1197319325191&p=1197318961527&packedargs=ProductParentID%3D1197318721588%26category%3DQuickProductFinder%26locale%3D1195806373344%26term%3DDGE-528T&pagename=DLinkEurope-FR%2FDLWrapper)
It's a PCI card.

The card is visible in OpenFirmware device tree.

I can't see much of the error when the kernel loads: the screen keeps scrolling. But it seems to be something related to /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_rman.c: line 176.

I settled the same card in a FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE (GENERIC) Powermac G4 (Digital Audio: http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g4/specs/powermac_g4_466.html) without any problem (re(4) driver as a module)

I try to put another PCI card (Adaptec 2940U2 SCSI) in the G5 and got the same error.

I try to boot in debug mode but the apple keyboard is inactive in ddb.

I try to boot the 9.1BETA CD but I didn't succeed (LOAD BASE error)

Do you have any clue?



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