Newbie - Mac G5 Dual PPC 970 @ 2Ghz

Ian Chapman packages at
Mon Apr 2 14:52:01 UTC 2012

On 04/02/2012 10:12 PM, Super Bisquit wrote:

>             Anyway the real stumbling block is getting X to work.
> You'll need to do Xorg -configure -retro.

Thanks for the help. I had already tried this, but I've just tried it 
again to be certain and the end result is the same, ie bus error 10. 
Xorg -configure has always worked with or without the retro option but 
the bus error still happens when you start X after configuring. 
Incidentally Xorg -configure produces an indentical xorg.conf to Xorg 
-configure -retro. Should I be expecting to see a difference? A quick 
search suggests it just primarily displays the classic X hatched 
background and cursor.

> The tutorial at the forums- a group project by direct and indirect input
> from the mailing list members-  has a few pointers.
> I know that Torfinn and Nathan both have such a machine. I'll add them
> as a CC to the message to see if they can add a little of something.

Thanks for the link. I've seen it and tried the pointers several times 
in the last few days searching Google for some hints at what might be 
wrong :-). Everything seems as it should be. Either way, I have my 
doubts that it's anything directly to do with how X is configured 
radeontool suffers the same issue.

I've also looked at workarounds such as using a fbdev, which I don't 
think is possible? And as a long shot - trying the VESA driver but I 
never really expected that to work.

Ian Chapman.

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