[RFC] Event timers on PowerPC

Andreas Tobler andreast at FreeBSD.org
Tue Sep 7 05:18:28 UTC 2010

On 07.09.10 07:03, Andreas Tobler wrote:
> On 07.09.10 06:35, Alexander Motin wrote:
>> Andreas Toler wrote:
>>> G5 after:
>>> ---------
>>> [bohrium:~] andreast% vmstat -i
>>> interrupt                          total       rate
>>> cpu0:decrementer                 1957106        783
>> ...
>>> cpu1:decrementer               176153140      70517
>>> Total                          179730709      71949
>> This look strange. Is there indeed such amount of interrupts on CPU1?
>> What patches have you applied? Is it constant or periodic? What can you
>> see in `systat -vm 1`?
> Hm, for the details we might ask Nathan.
> I applied all three mentioned patches, the base patch and the two
> powerpc patches.
> Below the vmstat -i 1 output. The system is up for 5' now. No activity,
> only a few times the below command. The values of the decrementer
> increases continously. About ten within 2''. (early morning observing)
> I'll be back in the evening for further tests.
> Andreas
> [bohrium:~] andreast% vmstat -i 1
> interrupt                          total       rate
> cpu0:decrementer                   49668        172
> irq42: iichb0                        690          2
> irq312: htpic0                       691          2
> irq316: aoagpio0                       1          0
> irq282: iichb1                        30          0
> irq257: pcm0                           1          0
> irq283: ohci0                          1          0
> irq284: ohci1                          1          0
> irq319: ohci2 ohci+                  314          1
> irq295: ata0                          39          0
> irq296: fwohci0                       11          0
> irq297: gem0                         591          2
> irq256: atapci0                     1662          5
> irq376: IPI                        20195         70
> cpu1:decrementer               176117266     611518
> Total                          176191161     611774

Sorry, early morning:

#systat -vm 1

     1 users    Load  0.00  0.00  0.04                  Sep  7 07:17

Mem:KB    REAL            VIRTUAL                       VN PAGER   SWAP 
         Tot   Share      Tot    Share    Free           in   out     in 
Act   28528    7924   306260     8920 2810148  count
All   64356    9312 15405364    29144          pages
Proc:                                                            Interrupts
   r   p   d   s   w   Csw  Trp  Sys  Int  Sof  Flt        cow     210 total
              24       432  130  127       165             zfod    166 
iichb0 42
  0.4%Sys   0.0%Intr  0.0%User  0.0%Nice 99.6%Idle        %ozfod 
htpic0 312
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |       daefr 
iichb1 282
                                          1 dtbuf          totfr 
pcm0 257
Namei     Name-cache   Dir-cache    125097 desvn          react 
ohci0 283
    Calls    hits   %    hits   %       549 numvn          pdwak 
ohci1 284
        3       3 100                    39 frevn          pdpgs 
ohci2 ohci
ata0 295
Disks   ad0   ad1                                   51860 wire 
KB/t   0.00  0.00                                   21396 act       4 
gem0 297
tps       0     0                                    9340 inact 
MB/s   0.00  0.00                                      48 cache    40 
IPI 376
%busy     0     0                                 2810100 free 

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