This is not spam: problems building agp and drm modules

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Wed Nov 17 04:36:37 UTC 2010

On Nov 16, 2010, at 5:35 PM, Super Bisquit wrote:

> I've cd'ed to /usr/src to build the modules for agp and drm.
> RELEASE-8.1 does not have the agp or drm modules in the kernel.
> Typing pciconf -lv shows me the agp slot.
> The file /boot/defaults/loader.conf has been modified for agp,  
> kernel hertz,
> and memory size- that's all.
> I'll have to build a kernel at this point, right?
> So- And yes, I will still ask even if I progress along because I  
> screw up a
> lot- are there any specifics I need to know concerning kernel build  
> or is it
> normal?
> As far as X is concerned, the agp device does not exist.

drm does not work correctly on PowerPC at present, at least on my  
hardware, and agp is only available (and not extraordinarily useful)  
in -CURRENT. Xorg does not use agp for anything without drm.

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