Broadcom 4306 rev 3 ibook 933mhz ibook

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Sat Mar 14 13:30:33 PDT 2009

stephen sefick wrote:
> I would like to install BSD onto my ibook, but I would like to know if
> it is possible to have the wireless card work.  I have been searching
> around the internet and have found no answers except that one person
> on the openbsd mainling list has an ibook where the wireless card used
> to work.  I have debian installed on the computer right now so
> anything that could make this question easier I can try and get that
> information.
> thanks for any help,
There is currently some experimental code in a Perforce repository for 
this, but the person who wrote it originally stopped working on it. It 
works well enough on my G4 iBook, but is still a little raw.

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