No mixer with Snapper

Weongyo Jeong weongyo.jeong at
Wed Mar 4 00:44:42 PST 2009

On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 12:02:29AM -0600, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> Weongyo Jeong wrote:
> >On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 09:05:29PM -0600, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> >>Weongyo Jeong wrote:
> >>>On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 08:56:50PM -0600, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> >>>>Pyun YongHyeon wrote:
> >>>>>On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 09:27:02AM -0600, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> >>>>>>Horst G?nther Burkhardt III wrote:
> >>>>>>>On Sun, 2009-03-01 at 17:13 +0100, Marco Trillo wrote:
> >>>>>>>>Hi,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Thanks! The problem is that an <i2c-address> property is used, while
> >>>>>>>>the OFW-I2C code only looks for <reg>.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>The attached patch -- to apply in /usr/src/sys -- makes the OFW-I2C
> >>>>>>>>code also look for the <i2c-address> property. With the patch, the
> >>>>>>>>mixer should attach and work fine.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Regards
> >>>>>>>>Marco
> >>>>>>>Awesome, so when will we see this in -CURRENT or better yet -STABLE? 
> >>>>>>>;)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>-- Horst.
> >>>>>>SVN revision 189280. MFC schedule of interesting features in -CURRENT 
> >>>>>>that I had something to do with:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>- ATA DMA: unless I receive any bug reports, some time in the middle 
> >>>>>>of this week
> >>>>>Hmm, I think there was a couple of issues of ATA DMA on iBook G4.
> >>>>>marcel@ and weongyo@ also reported instability of ATA DMA, was that  
> >>>>>fixed? AFAIK weongyo@ couldn't even boot kernel.
> >>>>>See
> >>>>>
> >>>>>for entire thread.
> >>>>I think it was fixed. The G4 iBook that I've acquired since those 
> >>>>reports works flawlessly, and I haven't received any other reports, 
> >>>>positive or negative, since my earlier attempts at fixing those bugs. 
> >>>>If anyone whose machine didn't work before now does, or is still 
> >>>>broken, or even if your machine has always worked fine with the DMA 
> >>>>support, I would very much appreciate an email.
> >>>Now I've updated kernel and the symptom is same with the previous that 
> >>>without set hw.ata.atapi_dma=0 I couldn't boot with the following 
> >>>message (written by hand):
> >>>
> >>>acd0: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout
> >>>acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (0 retries left)
> >>>
> >>>The above msg looks a kind of loop and I'll try to do disk stresstest
> >>>for reproducing hangs I encountered.
> >>Drat. That means the mode is set up wrong. I went through the Apple 
> >>sources, and produced a patch that slavishly follows the exact details 
> >>of the way Apple initializes the controller. It can be found here: 
> >>
> >>
> >>Could you give that a shot?
> >
> >Of course but it didn't help that I hope I didn't missed something all
> >steps I followed are as follows:
> >
> >	# cd /usr/src/sys/powerpc/powermac
> >	# fetch
> >	# patch -p0 < atamodesetup.diff
> >	# cd /usr/src
> >	# make buildkernel && installkernel
> >
> >The symptom is still same with the previous that it looks no progress.
> One more thing to try: could you try setting USE_DBDMA_IRQ to 1 instead 
> of 0 in ata_macio.c?

I tried your suggestion but I got a system hang after printing the
following lines (written by hand):

  acd:0 DVDR <MATSHITACD-RW CW-8124/DB0D> at ata0-master WDMA2
  ad0: 38154MB <FUJITSU MHV2040AT 00810099> at ata1-master UDMA100
  akbd0: <PowerBook G3 Keyboard> at device 2 on adb0
  kdb1 at akbd0
  ushub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
  [hang; no more prints]

Weongyo Jeong

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