FreeBSD on iMac G3

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Fri Apr 10 13:29:04 PDT 2009

Hi Gerald,

> Now my G3 is compiling Xorg from the ports, ethernet is working  
> fine. :-)
> :) Happy FreeBSDing on your PPC!

The G3 was now compiling 7 hours on Xorg. It was somewhere at the  
adobe fonts, when my son had to go to bed, I had to interrupt the  
make, shutdown the Mac and move it to another room.
There I booted again, but always in the middle of booting it crashed  
and did a reboot. :-(

Maybe the 7.2 beta is not very stable.

Now I give it a second try by installing 7.1. I have to begin at  
zero, because the installation formats my partitions and installs all  
from scratch. Now I have to compile Xorg again, binary packages are  
not available for ppc. :-(

That's no fun! :-(
I will try the compile over night, but I think it will interrupt  
somewhere asking me for options.
If 7.1 has the same boot problems tomorrow, I will try install Fedora  
or Gentoo next.
I'm really a friend of FreeBSD, but if the port to ppc is such  
instable I must look for alternatives.

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