Booting on Mac

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Fri Apr 10 10:49:59 PDT 2009

booting FreeBSD on Mac is not really comfortable. A friend of mine  
told me that Fedora installs "yaboot", that is a boot manager like  
GRUB for Linux-i386. Isn't something like that available for FreeBSD  

If not, would it be possible to patch the FreeBSD bootonly CD to boot  
the kernel from harddisc? I think this should be easy, but I cannot  
find the right file where I can change the location of the kernel.

Leaving the boot CD always in the drive and pressing "C" on power on,  
is always better than pressing "Opt-CMD-O-F" and entering cryptic  
commands with a german keyboard that has some non-alphabetic  
characters in the wrong place. :-(


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