(no subject)

Horst Günther Burkhardt III horst at sxemacs.org
Fri Apr 10 02:16:58 PDT 2009

On Fri, 2009-04-10 at 09:54 +0200, Jochen Fahrner wrote:
> Hi,
> after successfull installation of FreeBSD on an old Compaq, I now  
> want to install FreeBSD on an old iMac G3 PPC.
> After reading the FreeBSD/PPC 6.0 installation instructions, I saw  
> that built-in ethternet is not supported on all models.
> Before I delete my OS X partition and installing FreeBSD, I would  
> like to test if ethernet is supported. Without ethernet FreeBSD makes  
> no sense for me.
> How can I find out if ethernet is working before installing it?
> Jochen

We're up to 7.2 now ;)

Most ethernet cards are supported, and the iMac G3's is one of them as I

Those instructions need to be updated a LOT. :)

-- Horst.
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