Exception in openfirmware calling

Olivier Gautherot ogautherot at vtr.net
Sat Mar 31 15:39:08 UTC 2007


On Friday 30 March 2007 22:14, Andrew Turner wrote:
> I'm getting a cpu exception on the mtmsr instruction on line 213 in
> ofw_machdep.c[1]. A copy of me single stepping through the code is
> available at [2].

From a previous life experience, setting the MSR via a single step is
sometimes a dangerous thing to do. Did you try setting a breakpoint
on the next instruction and "continue" to it? This way, you land on a
more stable ground and can continue investigating.

My cent worth...
Olivier Gautherot
Email:    olivier at gautherot.net
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ogautherot
MSN:      ogautherot at hotmail.com

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