Quick freebsd-ppc n00bie question

Jeff Isaac cineveggie.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 06:12:50 UTC 2007

Hi All!

I just had a quick question regarding the ppc "user experience". When  
I'm on the video console and I'm downloading updates or packages (ie.  
when compiling a port and it fetches source, etc...) The progress  
prints/echoes to the screen line by line. For example, instead of  
showing the progress as an increasing percentage on a single line, it  
prints a progress line for each percentage completed. I don't  
remember this behaviour being standard on my x86 (i386) install. Is  
there a reason for this? Is this something I can set in environment  
variables or elsewhere? It's pretty annoying to have an entire screen  
go by with 100 lines of "1% 2% 3% 4% etc..." - and yes, I know I can  
go back up and look at it, but that's not the point ;-) Thanks!

- Jeff

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