problems in compiling config tool

Madhavan Srinivasan maddy_work at
Tue Mar 7 21:57:41 PST 2006

Hi grp,

    I am a newbie to freebsd. I am learning freebsd
from a linux box. I know config is one of the basic
tools needed to compile/build the kernel from src, but
the problem is I am not able to compile and build the
config tool from the src in a x86/linux box. I tried
hacking it but I am not getting it. Have anybody tried
doing this or do anyone have a statically comiple
config ELF binary for x86???.
Kindly help me in this.


FYI, I tried modifying the Makefile to take the
include files from proper directories and not from
/usr/include, but still its not working, I guess I am
missing something.

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