FreeBSD 6.0 on Pegasos/ODW

Peter Grehan grehan at
Thu Jun 29 20:43:43 UTC 2006

Hi Matt,

> memmap before loading kernel:
> 	Virtual Range	Physical Range	#Pages	Mode
> memmap after "load kernel":
> 	Virtual Range	Physical Range	#Pages	Mode
> .. nothing! :)

  That's a major problem. FreeBSD (and NetBSD) keep ofw resident, and 
rely on the ofw memmap to not blow it away after the kernel has been 
loaded, and also to reconstruct the same virtual space that ofw was 
using when calling back into it.

> What exactly DO I need to compile FreeBSD?

  A PC running FreeBSD >= 6.*, and a source tree

# cd <srctree>/src
# make buildworld TARGET_ARCH=powerpc
# make buildkernel TARGET_ARCH=powerpc

>I might be able to find a Beige G3 Mac somewhere.

  No go, it's ofw 2.*, which runs in real mode and won't load ELF :(

  >= ofw 3.*, on all 'new-world' hardware, is the minimum required.



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