Any Updates on RS/6000 Support?

David O'Brien obrien at
Mon Jan 2 20:04:10 PST 2006

On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 10:09:19PM -0500, Jeff Isaac wrote:
>    I was just wondering whether there had been any developments 
> regarding new plans for RS6k support? I found a brief exchange in the 
> archives from March of 2004 saying that there were no plans to support 
> this architecture. Has this changed at all? I would like to commend you 
> folks on porting to the Mac/PPC systems as Apple will soon be abandoning 
> we PowerPC devotees,

We still have the entire G5 series (and Xserve also) from Apple to
progress thru before we're done with Apple HW. ;-)

-- David  (obrien at
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A: Why is top-posting (putting a reply at the top of the message) frowned upon?

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