Peter Grehan grehan at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 18 12:27:29 PST 2006

Hi Marcel,

 >In fact I either take a detour though CD or over the NET.
 >Once the FreeBSD boot loader has been started it will grab
 >the kernel from the UFS root file system.

  I usually copy the loader to the root directory on the boot HFS 
filesystem and use the parameter to specify the root FreeBSD UFS 
partition e.g.

0 > boot hd:loader hd:7

  though it would be very nice to do

0 > boot hd:loader

> One big factor in this is that we don't support HFS+ and as
> such I've been looking at that. If someone knows of BSD
> licensed implementations (or parts thereof), let me know.
> I don't want to reinvent the wheel...

  There was a NetBSD SoC project to do just that:


  One of the issues is that I think HFS is now journalled by default 
unless you explictily disable it.

  Another path to take is to make FreeBSD's UFS understand Apple's 
version. That code is in NetBSD.

  I started writing a libstand module so the loader would be able to 
read it's parameters from a HFS filesystem.



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