hw.model is empty?

Torfinn Ingolfsen torfinn.ingolfsen at broadpark.no
Tue Aug 29 09:09:08 UTC 2006


Just for fun, I installed the bsdstats (sysutils/bsdstats) port on my
G4. It worked (hardly surprising), but when I checked
http://www.bsdstats.org/ afterwards, there were no powerpc cpu's to be

The bsdstats script uses 'sysctl -n hw.model' to get cpu information,
but on my machine this reports an empty string.
Here is the whole of sysctl hw:
tingo at kg-g4$ sysctl hw
hw.machine: powerpc
hw.ncpu: 1
hw.byteorder: 4321
hw.physmem: 528015360
hw.usermem: 475525120
hw.pagesize: 4096
hw.machine_arch: powerpc
hw.realmem: 528015360
hw.ata.ata_dma: 1
hw.ata.atapi_dma: 1
hw.ata.wc: 1
hw.firewire.try_bmr: 1
hw.firewire.hold_count: 3
hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_hi: 0
hw.firewire.fwmem.eui64_lo: 0
hw.firewire.fwmem.speed: 2
hw.firewire.fwe.stream_ch: 1
hw.firewire.fwe.tx_speed: 2
hw.firewire.fwe.rx_queue_len: 128
hw.firewire.sbp.auto_login: 1
hw.firewire.sbp.max_speed: 2
hw.firewire.sbp.exclusive_login: 1
hw.firewire.sbp.login_delay: 1000
hw.firewire.sbp.scan_delay: 500
hw.firewire.sbp.use_doorbell: 0
hw.firewire.sbp.tags: 0
hw.pci.enable_io_modes: 1
hw.pci.do_power_nodriver: 0
hw.pci.do_power_resume: 1
hw.intr_storm_threshold: 500
hw.availpages: 128910
hw.bus.devctl_disable: 0
hw.kbd.keymap_restrict_change: 0
hw.syscons.saver.keybonly: 1
hw.syscons.bell: 1
hw.uma_mdpages: 9035
hw.ofwfb.relax_mmap: 0

The machine is running:

tingo at kg-g4$ uname -a
FreeBSD kg-g4.kg4.no 7.0-20051105-SNAP FreeBSD 7.0-20051105-SNAP #0:
Sat Nov  5 04:33:52 UTC 2005
root at macmini.ptree32.com.au:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  powerpc

Torfinn Ingolfsen,

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