FreeBSD on an external Firewire HD

Peter Grehan grehan at
Mon Aug 7 05:13:23 UTC 2006

Hi Rickey,

> Well, that didnt fix it. Ideas anyone?
> One thing I did notice when it boots is that it mentions that /dev/da0s5 
> has
> been mentioned more than once in fstab, and then it spews out operation not
> permitted.  I clicked 'A' for auto label on that particular partition, and
> partitioned s3 as swap. Im going to give it a whirl one more time before
> bed, if anyone has any ideas Im all ears.

   'A' doesn't work. What you should do is to partition the target drive 
using a tool on OSX. Then, do the FreeBSD install. Manually select the 
partitions and assign directories to them. The easiest approach is to 
put / on a partition.

  The next step, setting up the system to boot, is slightly manual. See

  Yes, this is far from perfect, or perhaps even usable, but that's why 
PPC is tier-2.



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