Error mounting /dev/ad1s3

Torfinn Ingolfsen torfinn.ingolfsen at
Sun Oct 30 08:44:56 PST 2005

On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 23:20:47 +1000
Peter Grehan <grehan at> wrote:

>   I suppose it boils down to a question of usability. If you have to 
> carve up the disk with Apple tools, is it fine at that stage to size
> up  how you want FreeBSD to drop onto dedicated slices ? Or is it
> better to  have a single slice for FreeBSD, and partition that up ?

IMHO, both ways to do it are equally fine as long as I have the tools to
do it.
The most important thing is that the documentation is correct.
If one were to take POLA into account, I guess that non-working parts of
sysinstall should be disabled.
Torfinn Ingolfsen,

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