Mac mini install w/ latest ISO => dead keyboard at sysinstall

Peter Edwards peadar.edwards at
Wed May 25 00:56:17 GMT 2005

[ resent without attachments; see

On 5/25/05, Peter Edwards <peadar.edwards at> wrote:
> On 5/24/05, Peter Grehan <grehan at> wrote:
> > > on my shiny new mac mini: it gets as far as starting sysinstall, at
> > > which point the machine is either hard hung, or the keyboard isn't
> > > working (It's kinda hard to tell which). It's a standard apple USB
> > > wired keyboard and mouse: I definitely saw a ukbd0 attach flash by in
> > > the boot output, but it's kinda hard to capture. (and I haven't done
> > > any "home improvement" yet, so there's nothing odd about the machine.
> > >
> > > I got the impression that this build should "just work" on the Mini,
> > > so sorry if this is a known issue.
> > >
> > > Any hints?
> >
> >   Would you be able to break into the loader and do a 'boot -a' ?
> > This will at least keep the probe msgs on screen, and test if the
> > keyboard is working at the mountroot> prompt.
> >
> >
> Ok, it's hung by the time it gets to mountroot>: Particularly
> interesting is the fact that it seems to detect 2 USB keyboards and 2
> mice (there's only one plugged in: the keyboard to the back of the
> mini, and the mouse into the hub on the keyboard.)
> I wrote part of this info down:
> ukbd0 and ums0 both report as
> vendor 0x05ac, product 0x1000, rev 10/15.38, addr 2, iclass 3/1 (I'm
> no USB guru, but two devices at the same address? Looks like it's
> confusing the hub for a shadow of the devices plugged in.)
> ums1: Logitech Apple Optical USB Mouse rev 2.00/3.40 addr 3 iclass 3/1
> ukbd1: Mitsumi electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard, Rev 1.10/4.10
> uhub 6 is detected between the two sets of mouse/keyboards: I assume
> this is the real hub on the physical keyboard.
> I also got OpenBSD 3.6 to boot on this machine: it also shows the dual
> keyboard/mouse combos, but they appear to have a working keyboard mux,
> so it's usable after boot. I've attached a dmesg and the output of
> usbdevs -v from OpenBSD on the box.
> Also attached is the dump from MacOS's System Profiler of the
> hardware, just in case it's of any use.
> HTH. I'm off to see if I can make sense of the USB probe code before I
> fall asleep :-)

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