Updated install ISO

Andreas Tobler toa at pop.agri.ch
Sat May 21 02:12:56 PDT 2005

Hi Peter,

Peter Grehan wrote:

>  You can artificially reduce the amount of RAM present from the loader 
> prompt with
> OK set hw.physmem=512M

Ah, good. Easier way :) I try that then.

>  ... or whatever value. It might be worthwhile to try it at 512M and see 
> how it goes. The builds I've done have been on machines with 512 and 640M.
>>>> The sig 11 appeared mostly when I switched virtual console. 
>>>  Is this while running a build ?
>> Yes, on one console a 'make buildworld' and on another console usual 
>> shell activities. Then I saw the sig 11 in the make console.
>  I'll try done some console switching while building on a VTY - I 
> usually kick it off in a remote login.

Ok, and understanding question: with your current snapshot cd am I able 
to do a buildworld/buildkernel without updating the source?

I mean, I installed the source from the cd. Now I wonder if I have to 
sync something or if it should be possible to build out of the box w/o 
any errors (beside my oddities). Can you do a buildworld/buildkernel 
with the bare cd installation ?


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