Installing FreeBSD from CD

Peter Grehan grehan at
Thu May 12 19:12:17 PDT 2005

Hi Michael,

> Failing that, I concluded that it would be easiest to mount the 
> PowerBook (Pismo) in FireWire "target disk mode" on an x86 system from 
> which I can partition and install software either from install ISO 
> binaries or source.
> Assumption: UFS2 under x86 will be the same as UFS2 under PowerPC. Flawed?

  Yes :(  The FreeBSD UFS code will only work on the endian type that 
created the filesystem. (NetBSD can be compiled to do this - it detects 
the disk endian and byte-swaps appropriately). PPC and i386 won't be 
able to read a UFS volume created by the other.

  Even though the kernel can't detect the media bay, the loader can 
still use it, so I'd recommend an NFS install.

> Else from source but I encountered the following build errors:
> And under current:
> building shared library
> Abort trap (core dumped)
> *** Error code 134
> Stop in /usr/src/kerberos5/lib/libasn1.
> *** Error code 1

  The compiler needs to be patched

> Was miniinst.iso created with a normal 'make release' process?

  Yep, on an eMac. All the release stuff is in the tree.



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