MiniMac and Xorg

Garance A Drosihn drosih at
Thu Mar 24 19:53:09 PST 2005

At 1:55 PM +1030 3/25/05, Martin Minkus wrote:
>  >> Does xorg already work on powerpc?
>Xorg works perfectly for me! On a G3 iMac.

The original poster was talking about a mini-Mac.  I should have
mentioned that all my testing is also on a mini-Mac.  Peter had
sent emails to a few of us asking us to test his Xorg-related
changes, and in my case they did not work.  I could not get the
right results from the X-configure step.  It would die with:

    Fatal server error:
    xf86MapVidMem: could not mmap screen [s=80000,a=90000000]
                                         (Invalid argument)

That was back on Feb 21st.  It may be that he has fixed that problem,
as I seem to recall seeing some commit which fixed memory-mapping.
But I have not done a buildworld on my mini-Mac for a few few weeks
now, so I don't think I have that fix in my system yet.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at

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