WANTED: login on a FreeBSD/PowerPC system for toolchain work

David O'Brien obrien at freebsd.org
Sun Feb 13 14:36:49 PST 2005

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:45:33AM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
> I'd really like to do something about the problem with GCC on
> FreeBSD/PowerPC -- problem is I don't have working system I can use to do
> Does anyone have a login they can loan me for this work? :-)

I'm touched to see the number of people offering to contribute to the
'Mini-Mac for David' fund.  While the Mini-Mac is a dream-machine and I
would love one, upon reflection I'm not sure it is well suited for what I
need at the moment due to its lack of serial console.

It really comes down to a time vs. $$ thing right now.
I've spent probably 8 hours trying to get my Sun Blade100 working again
after a disk crash due to ATA issues, etc...; so I can fix some things
for the upcoming 5.4 release.

I really don't have time like this to spend learning the nuances of Mac
disk partitioning and installation.  What I'm really looking for is
access to a machine that means little sysadmining so I can spend the time
on GCC and binutils.  We are currently in our window of opportunity to
fix GCC for PowerPC as Kan is currently working on importing a newer GCC
into /usr/src.  But I have to get my work into the FSF GCC 4.0 and
3.3-branch repos first.

So far Phil Regnauld <regnauld+ppc at catpipe.net> and Garance offered such
access.  Lets figure out which will be easiest and go with that.

-- David  (obrien at FreeBSD.org)

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