airport estreme with Freebsd

Joaquin Menchaca linuxuser at
Mon Feb 7 10:09:42 PST 2005

> Really, so I assume you would hold that American companies who benefit
> from overseas sweat shops and child labour follow american regulatory
> agencies dictates (considering that clothing manufacturing occurs
> overseas as with computer manufacturing)?

One, you have to get FCC "approved" to sell electronic products in USA 
(irregardless of corporate origins).  There's no choice in the matter. 
This sucks becuase there's cool gizmos from Asia I would like to have, 
but they haven't bothered with FCC "approval" and don't bother selling 
in USA.  Europe gets the gizmos, so I am naturally jealous with envy.

Second, we can go into a whole bunch of foulnes in the world.  In USA, 
our culture, our legal system IMHO is being undermined by 
corporateering.  It seems now corporations have more power, more rights 
than citizens with no criminal accountability.  They easily buy all the 
political capital they need at the expense of democracy.  Many so-called 
  US corporations are not even officially US corporations, but rather 
international corporations, so they can avoid paying taxes, and comit 
atrocities everywhere, at approval of corrupt foreign local governments, 
and a blind eye by US politicians.

Also in Europe, at least in Eastern parts, there's rampant criminal 
activity (some seem stronger than governments can manage) that par-take 
in arms trade, slave trade and sex slave trade.  There's also export of 
organ trade from latin americas to Europe.  We could go into Africa, 
genocide, world failure there, or other parts of the world.

But instead, letz try to make a small little better patch of the world. 
  Let's use FreeBSD and try to make it better for everyone.  OpenSource 
is having a profound affect on the world.  There's more opportunity for 
sharing of ideas, beyond what corrupt governments, systems, corporations 
in the world were able to offer before.


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