airport estreme with Freebsd

Phil Regnauld regnauld+ppc at
Sun Feb 6 06:50:21 PST 2005

Mauro (mcepeda) writes:
> I'm not attacking anyone on the list.  You seem to think I'm making a
> moral judgement on a particular person, I'm not. Nor do I find fault
> with the list for broadcom's poor comportment.  My point is that that
> speculation can't account for Broadcom's reluctance to release specs
> globally.  And I stand behind that.  Now any speculation that must
> happen must take place within a global worldview because we live in a
> world where business is global and Freebsd is global just as Broadcom is
> a global business.

	Yes, well fine.  Why don't you initiate a lobby group like
	OpenBSD does ?  They seem to be having success.  They might
	even already have something going on for Broadcom.  Alternatively,
	contact Broadcom and tell them you're not happy.

> And I dare to presume that this list is also global
> as I don't believe it limits its discussion to American topics or how
> technology solely affects the American human condition.

	No, but it's off topic at this point.  And discussing the
	technical aspects of reverse engineering the Broadcom specs or
	similar would still be off-topic, as this is the PPC discussion list.

	[lots of valid but ultimately off-topic comments deleted].


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