your message
hostmaster at
hostmaster at
Fri Sep 10 04:09:14 PDT 2004
No valid request has been found in your message.
Please fill-in and resend the following template:
******************* Please DO NOT REMOVE Version Number ********************
Domain Version Number: E1.0
********* Send the completed form by E-mail to DNS-MANAGER at **********
Before applying, be sure that you agree with the domain policy (see
at end).
rt. (N)ew (M)odify (D)elete....:
dm. Complete Domain Name.......:
Organization Using Domain Name
(fill only for new domains or contact change)
(if you are an individual, fill the organization name with your name)
om. Organization Name..........:
oa. Address (line 1)...........:
op. Address (line 2)...........:
oc. Address (line 3)...........:
os. Address (line 4)...........:
on. Country....................:
Administrative Contact
(fill only for new domains or contact change)
ah. NIC Handle (if known)......:
am. Name (First Last)..........:
ao. Organization Name..........:
aa. Address (line 1)...........:
ap. Address (line 2)...........:
ac. Address (line 3)...........:
as. Address (line 4)...........:
an. Country....................:
at. Phone Number...............:
ae. E-Mailbox..................:
Technical Contact
(fill only for new domains or contact change)
(skip if same as administrative contact)
th. NIC Handle (if known)......:
tm. Name (First Last)..........:
to. Organization Name..........:
ta. Address (line 1)...........:
tp. Address (line 2)...........:
tc. Address (line 3)...........:
ts. Address (line 4)...........:
tn. Country....................:
tt. Phone Number...............:
te. E-Mailbox..................:
Technical information
Resource Record Type
rr. NS, CNAME, MX, Wilcard MX..:
If you are requesting a NS record
Fill f1...fX and i1...iX respectively with the fully
qualified domain names and (only if necessary) the IP addresses
for your domain servers; put the primary at the top of the
list. You don't need to fill all lines. IP addresses are only
needed when the domain names for the servers are within the
requested domain.
If you are requesting a MX (or wildcard-MX) record
Fill f1..fX. The names you supply must point to an
address (A type) record. The lowest precedence MX should be
listed first.
If you are requesting a CNAME record
Only fill f1. It must exist and must not point to a CNAME
Primary Server
f1. Server Hostname............:
i1. Server Netaddress..........:
Secondary Server(s)
(copy as many times as needed)
f2. Server Hostname............:
i2. Server Netaddress..........:
The party requesting registration of this name certifies that, to her/his
knowledge, the use of this name does not violate trademark or other statutes.
Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that name and
any disputes between parties over the rights to use a particular name are to
be settled between the contending parties using normal legal methods.
(See RFC 1591)
--------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------
The following recursively applies to _all_ subdomains of
There are additional rules for direct subdomains.
Commercial sites
Though the service is mostly geared towards non-profit and
not-for-profit organizations and individuals, small commercial sites
are accepted, but they are _VERY STRONGLY_ asked to do so only as a
very last resort, unless of course they support goals.
Non-European sites
Since Europe is not the only place where national NIC policies are a
problem, non-european sites are welcome.
Administrative authorizations
It is advised that owners of subdomains obtain necessary
administrative authorizations from the site(s) hosting their
nameservers or machines in the domain.
Subdomain managers willing to provide registration to third parties in
their domain have an obligation to:
Provide registration for free or for a minimal fee
The registration fee, if any, _MUST_ be minimal and must only
cover costs in _DIRECT RELATION_ with the registration and
management of the zone file(s) and server(s). Using
registration fees to fund any of the following is explicitly
excluded :
+ software development work (even DNS-related);
+ wages;
+ paperwork.
Registration in a given subdomain can be reserved to the members of an
organization with a subscription fee, but the subdomain
registration should not be the primary service provided by the
organization to its paying members.
Be equitable to all groups in the domain that request domain names
Compliance to Internet standards
Subdomain owners must comply with Internet standards (RFCs). This
includes, but is not limited to:
* name of subdomains
* e-mail software
* nameserver software
InterNIC rules regarding trademarks apply:
Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that
name and any disputes between parties over the rights to use a
particular name are to be settled between the contending parties
using normal legal methods (See RFC 1591).
The following only applies to domains registered _directly within_
The general policy also applies.
The domain manager reserves the right to refuse any domain creation
directly in if it is estimated that registration in an existing
subdomain of (country delegation, for example) would be
The goal is to avoid the creation of a flat and unmanageable
Type of records
To minimize administration, only domain delegation (_NS_ records) is
If you want other types of resource records, you will have to request
a domain delegation for the desired zone and manage the new zone
This implies that you need access to a machine running a name server.
Sites willing to provide this service for third parties can contact
hostmaster at
Subdomain names
Only subdomains of 4 characters or more will be registered
3 character names are normally reserved for internal use and future
extensions, but can be allocated on a case-by-case basis preferably to
non-profit associations, european organizations, and so on.
2 character names are reserved to ISO country codes (country
delegations) and internal use.
Write to hostmaster at if you have good reasons to ask for such a
domain (for example if you want to get a delegation for a country
In addition to _EU.org_ itself, the following subdomains are already
reserved and open to registration.
The idea is to avoid creating a flat and unmanageable namespace in Registration directly in is possible, but it is advised
that you register in one of the following subdomains instead.
The policies for these domains are the same as the general policy for, with the addition that _MX_, _wildcard MX_ and _CNAME_ records
are allowed.
If the country (or other, like for example) of your dreams
is not in the list below, don't hesitate to write to hostmaster at
to request that it is created and open to registration. The reason it
is not present is probably that no one requested it yet.
International domains
Educational sites
There is no for organizations; itself is supposed to
serve that purpose.
EEC countries already delegated:
+ Other countries will be opened on request.
When you register your domain, you can ask for one of the following
record types. They are listed in order of increasing complexity and
needed resources.
A _CNAME_ is an alias to a name of your choice that you can
change any time you want. It can be used, for example, to
obtain a provider-independent address for dialup users. It has
the drawback of being "hidden", for example your mail addresses
will be rewritten with the "real" name, not the alias you
requested in On the other hand, it needs no
configuration change except here in
For example, suppose your mail address is currently
_you at cheapnet.fr_ and you'd like it to be _you at
(notice that the username, left of @, will not change). You
only need to fill a request for domain, type
_CNAME_, and put _cheapnet.fr_ as Name1.
This is a "mail exchanger" record that is used to direct mail
to a particular machine. To use this, you need the destination
machine to be configured to recognize your new address. This
obviously implies that the administrator of the target machine
must agree.
Wildcard MX
Exactly the same as the above, except it also gets mail for
subdomains. The destination machine should be able to deal with
this, of course.
Full domain delegation, the method that gives you the most
control over your domain. To use this, you need at least two
permanently connected machines running a nameserver configured
with your domain.
Registering means you agree to comply with the rules explained in the
policies relevant for the domain you register in.
1. Read the general policy;
2. Choose a record type suited to your needs and your possibilities;
3. Choose an open domain to register in, according to the record type
you want.
_Try to avoid registration directly under EU.org_;
4. If you really, really want to register directly in, check
the policy for direct subdomains; there are intentionally more
5. If you want a full domain delegation, configure your
6. Fill and submit the registration form.
The form (and your nameserver configuration, if it applies) will
be checked for errors and you will immediately be presented with
the results;
7. Iterate, correcting errors until your request is accepted;
8. Wait for an e-mail reply indicating that your request has been
validated. This step requires human intervention and can take a
few days.
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