PPC-FreeBSD IV ...

Tom Cage k5gj at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 19 12:43:07 PST 2004


>> OK ls -l /boot/kernel
>> open '/boot/kernel' failed: no such file or directory
> I think this might be OpenFirmware not passing a usable boot-device
>string to us - from memory you worked around this by setting currdev
>manually to 'cd:,' - that should work. Would you be able to try the
>dir listing after doing that ?
> Also, 'ls -l cd:0,/boot' should work.
> It is possible to force currdev from the initial OpenFirmware boot
>command by passing it as a parameter i.e.
>0 > boot cd:,\boot\loader cd:,

    Before starting, I checked all of the files on my CD and made certain
all of the directory/files mentioned in the 'minimum tree' are there.

    The following shows that the same problem still exists.

    Just for grins, I am going to make another CD on my X86 system.  I have
seen a few Emails where people have made X86 ISOs on Macs and then have not
been able to boot???


Apple PowerBook3,5 4.5.3f2 BootROM built on 10/25/02 at 10:31:30
Copyright 1994-2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
All Right Reserved

Welcome to Open Firmware, the system time and date is 22:18:24 03/18/2004

To continue booting, type 'mac-boot' and press return.
To shut down, typ "shut-down" and press return.

0 > ok
0 > dir cd:,\

     Size/       GMT                    File/Dir
     bytes  date     time   TYPE CRTR   Name
           3/18/ 4 19:53:53             bin
           3/18/ 4 19:58:35             boot
           2/29/ 4  9:14:54             dev
           3/18/ 4 19:55:25             etc
           2/29/ 4  9:14:54             mnt
  45045217 3/18/ 4  2:38:11             ppc-root-latest.tbz2
           3/18/ 4 19:54:25             sbin
           3/18/ 4 19:58:35             usr
0 > ok
0 > boot cd:,\boot\loader

Loading ELF
Console OpenFirmware console

FreeBSD/OpenFirmware/PowrPC bootstrap loader, Revision 0.1
(grehan@, Fri Feb 27 20:41:22 EST 2004)
Memory 786432KB
Boot from: /pc at f2000000/mac-io at 17/ata-3 at 20000/disk at 0

can't load 'kernel'

Type ? for a list of commands, 'help' form more detailed help.
OK set currdev=cd:,
OK ls -l cd:,/boot/loader cd:,
open 'cd:,/boot/loader' failed no such file or directory
OK ls
open '/' failed no such file or directory
OK halt
0 > ok
0 > dir cd:\

     Size/       GMT                    File/Dir
     bytes  date     time   TYPE CRTR   Name
           3/18/ 4 19:53:53             bin
           3/18/ 4 19:58:35             boot
           2/29/ 4  9:14:54             dev
           3/18/ 4 19:55:25             etc
           2/29/ 4  9:14:54             mnt
  45045217 3/18/ 4  2:38:11             ppc-root-latest.tbz2
           3/18/ 4 19:54:25             sbin
           3/18/ 4 19:58:35             usr
0 > ok
0 > boot cd:,\boot\loader cd:, load-size=450ac adler32=155cffa

Loading ELF

CLAIM failed
0 > ok
0 > mac-boot
0 > ok
o >  boot cd:,\boot\loader load-size=450ac adler32=155cffa

Loading ELF
Console OpenFirmware console

FreeBSD/OpenFirmware/PowrPC bootstrap loader, Revision 0.1
(grehan@, Fri Feb 27 20:41:22 EST 2004)
Memory 786432KB
Boot from: /pc at f2000000/mac-io at 17/ata-3 at 20000/disk at 0

can't load 'kernel'

Type ? for a list of commands, 'help' form more detailed help.
OK ls -l /boot/kernel
open '/boot/kernel' failed no such file or directory
OK ls -l cd:0,/boot/kernel cd:,
start failed operation not supported
OK ls -l cd:,/boot/kernel cd:,
open 'cd:,/boot/kernel' failed no such file or directory
OK boot -s
can't boot 'kernel'
no bootable kernel
OK set currdev=cd:,
OK boot -s
can't boot 'kernel'
no bootable kernel
OK halt
0 > ok
0 > mac-boot


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