Questions regarding installation

Peter Grehan grehan at
Wed Mar 3 20:42:45 PST 2004

Hi Barry

>> ./usr/share/man/man8/NIS.8.gz
>> tar: ./usr/share/man/man8/NIS.8.gz: Cannot hard link to 

  Not sure why that happens, maybe something to do with OSX HFS ? But,
it's only a man page so no real damage.

> It looks like I successfully made a CD, and it reads fine with the "dir 
> cd:,\" command.  Next question: how fast do you have to press that space 
> bar?  I am doing this on my Titanium PowerBook G4 500MHz circa March 
> 2001, and I don't seem to be able to keep it from booting the kernel.  I 
> am pretty sure that I am down to less than 500 milliseconds between 
> hitting enter on the boot command and hitting the space bar.

  Does the screen black and start printing out boot messages ? You
may just be seeing the loader putting the kernel into memory. The
screen should look something like (from an iMac):

0 > boot cd:,\boot\loader load-size=7d222 adler32=876ab2f5

Loading ELF
Console: OpenFirmware console

FreeBSD/OpenFirmware/PowerPC bootstrap loader, Revision 0.1
(grehan@, Sun Jan 25 11:12:52 EST 2004)
Memory: 98304KB
Booted from: /pci/mac-io/ide at 21000/disk at 0

/boot/kernel/kernel data=0x2e2408+0x74890 syms=[0x4+0x363b0+0x4+0x43d4f]
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel] in 9 seconds...

(and this is where you hit the space bar)

Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help
OK _



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