Motorola 8260 PowerQUICC II

Sasa Crnobrnja salec at
Tue Jun 29 03:39:35 PDT 2004


I have zero experience with FreeBSD, or any BSD for that matter, but I 
have heared of FreeBSD superior stability and performance over Linux.

I am curious if there is a FreeBSD port for this (Motorola 8260 
PowerQUICC II) ppc-derivative communications' processor?

I can see that Linux is first choice for many  developers (us, too) who 
use that CPU in their designs, but I am sure we would be better off with 
FreeBSD if it is possible at all, for several good reasons, such as 
performance, stability and more permisive license.

My second question is more general, unrelated to particular 
architecture: Since development of FreeBSD is tightly organised, is it 
possible (appropriate, supported by documentation, not frowned upon) for 
embedded systems' developers out there to write device drivers for their 

Best Regards,

Sasa Crnobrnja
Iritel a.d.

Serbia and Montenegro

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