
Peter Grehan grehan at freebsd.org
Mon Feb 9 14:23:03 PST 2004

Hi James,

> Hello all, sorry to start of whining :) anyways, i got my built in keyboard on my tibook to 
> work now, however it required set hw.syscons.disable=1 also, does anyone know what i 
> should do about a kernel for my tibook... currently i have the one i unzipped from the 
> ppc-root (stuuf) .tar.gz however i believe there might be another one i should be using 
> :)...

  The main tree is in sync with my sources - kernel.kauai has the
minor addition of the in-progress kauai ATA driver, so that would
be fine to use.

  But, the ADB keyboard used in ti/i/books isn't supported yet, which
I think is what you're asking. It's on the TODO list.



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