Installing FreeBSD from CD

Ed Sutherland digital at
Wed Aug 25 19:18:18 PDT 2004

Okay. I booted from the cd and it stopped at the 'mountroot>' prompt. 
What do I enter here -- it is supposed to take the form of 'cd9660:acd0' 
but there  isn't any such device. Should this be my Mac partition, my 
Linux partition (which I'll convert to FreeBSD), or my CDROM? And how 
(from Mac OS X) do I determine what I need to enter? Thanks.


Coleman wrote:

>That part was already done (part of the ISO). You should just have to
>boot off the CD with 'C'.
>On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 15:26, Ed Sutherland wrote:
>>Okay, I burned the install CD.
>>Where do I start -- should holding down "C" and booting from the CD 
>>launch the install? The installation instructions regarding CDROM boot 
>>mention I need to create a "minimal tree" -- where? Is this step needed? 
>>Thanks for any insight.
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