Fwd: "Hardware offer: pegasos 2 boxes and SNDF Europe passes." <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr>

Phil Regnauld regnauld at catpipe.net
Tue Aug 24 06:33:05 PDT 2004

	This looks definitely interesting..

----- Forwarded message from Sven Luther <sven.luther at wanadoo.fr> -----

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I am writing this because i have an offer for a fair amount of
Pegasos 2/1Ghz G4 complete boxes sponsored to debian developers
(or other non-DD but who might be interested developers), sponsored
by Freescale (http://www.freescale.com, ex Motorola semiconductors)
and Genesi (http://www.genesi.lu, maker of the pegasos).

Also, this sponsorship would include a certain amount of free passes
for the european SNDF conference in Frankfurt from September 28 to 30:


Including food and access to the training sessions there, including
some specialized training on altivec and maybe on the pegasos hardware, 
i am not yet sure of the details of those yet.

The pegasos 2 boxes are full systems :

Pegasos 2 micro-atx motherboard.
  - 1 cpu slot holding a 1Ghz 7447 G4 cpu.
  - 2 DDR slots for up to 2GB of memory.
  - 1 pci-x disguised as AGP.
  - 3 pci slots.
  - 1 gigabit ethernet on the northbridge.
  - 1 10/100 ethernet on the via southbridge.
  - firewire (2 external, 1 internal)
  - usb 1.1 (2 external, 1 from panel)
  - floppy, ide, sound, serial, parallel, at keyboard/mouse, ...
microatx/flexatx low profile case (http://www.aopen.nl/products/Housing/H360series.htm)
Radeon 9200 SE low profile.
40GB seagate harddisk
samsung CD-burner/DVD reader combo.

Now, to the strings attached to all of this. The box are in exchange
of some development you would do on it, but on projects of your chosing,
and the only constraint seen to be the sending of monthly development reports
about this project. Obviously, people wanting to do some altivec related
development are a prime choice for this, as the bundle also include some
(non-free though) altivec optimizing software.

Ok, everyone who is interested by either of those, please mail me your
coordinates (shipping address, phone, email), as well as if you would 
like and SNDF pass, and a small description of the project you would 
be working on.

Note: debian, including debian-installer, work perfectly on those boxes

Note, if you know of people who might be interested, and who are no DD and
thus not able to read this, you are free to forward this to them. Don't post
it on public lists or something such though without consulting with me first.


Sven Luther

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  _ _ |_ | regnauld at catpipe.net                   catpipe Systems ApS   |
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         | Tlf.: +45 7021 0050                  http://www.catpipe.net/ |

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