New tarball available

Graham Bakay graham at
Mon Oct 27 19:09:15 PST 2003

On 27 Oct 2003, at 20:00, <peterg at> wrote:

>  Actually, that's by (poor?) design - I limit the width
> to 800x600 max. Looks good on a 1024x768 display (eMac),
> but might be a bit small on 1280x1024.

i think 800x600 is a good place to start, since it is the minimum 
resolution that g3+ machines have (early ibooks). maybe a syscons 
flag/kernel option?

>  I did it that way to give the not-quite-a-PC look that
> I've seen on some notebooks.

i agree. it looks far better to have small text on a large screen 
(especially lcds) than to have the text stretched (interpolated on 

>  What would people like to see ? Full-screen no matter what
> the res ? I was a bit worried that the chars would be too
> small at 1280x1024 (or higher).

i think 800x600 works. is it possible to have it centered in the 
screen? (excuse me if it in fact already is, i'm still wrestling with 
getting my bootloader working.)


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