PPC Hardware

Ole-Egil Hvitmyren olegil at samfundet.no
Mon May 26 12:16:35 PDT 2003

pcasidy at casidy.com wrote:

>I would like your opinions on the two followings cards in order to join
>the freebsd-ppc dev.


>And the other wich looks like to be more expensive:
I've got one of these if anyone wants more information or wants to try 
out a port :-)

I've had it a year already, and am using it with Debian GNU/Linux.

We're using U-Boot, so I guess the Pegasos with OF is better suited for 
FreeBSD at the moment, no?
But still, there is a lot of boards running U-Boot now, so a way to load 
FreeBSD from U-Boot would be very much appreciated.

AmigaOne dev list FAQ (when I say F, I mean F):


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