PowerPC system ISA limitations

Joshua LeVasseur jtl-freebsd at bothan.net
Wed Jul 16 07:07:20 PDT 2003

According to the PowerPC programming environments manual, certain 
operations are to be avoided while virtual addressing is enabled.  But 
to me, the wording in the respective locations of the manual is 
ambiguous.  I was wondering if anyone knew more specifics regarding 
three situations:

1. The hashed page table:
 From section 7.6 of the v2.0 PEM (from IBM), "If page table search 
operations are performed automatically by the hardware, they are 
performed using physical addresses and as if the memory access 
attribute bit M=1 (memory coherency enforced in hardware).  If the 
software performs the page table search operations, the accesses must 
be performed in real addressing mode (MSR[DR] = 0); this additionally 
guarantees that M=1."

What is meant by software searches?  A search performed by firmware, or 
the operating system kernel when the processor doesn't implement 
hardware searching?  Or is this a generic page hash lookup by one's 
operating system kernel?  If a generic page hash lookup by one's 
kernel, why is real mode necessary?  If I use a BAT register to back 
the code and data used for searching the page hash, is that sufficient 
for leaving virtual addressing enabled?

I have tested the situation where I use BAT registers while 
manipulating the page hash with virtual addressing enabled (a BAT 
register maps the page hash, another BAT for kernel code, and another 
BAT for kernel data).  It executes correctly (or at least visibly).  
Perhaps side effects are implementation dependent (i.e. my processors 
were constructed such that they support searches with virtual 
addressing enabled) ...

In section, the process for modifying a page table entry is 
described.  Yet it doesn't mention whether or not the processor should 
be in real mode.  Modification isn't the same as performing a search 
... or is it?

2.  Exception processing
In section 6.2 of the v2.0 PEM, "Note: In some implementations, every 
instruction fetch when MSR[IR] = 1, and every data acess requiring 
address translation when MSR[DR] = 1, may modify SRR0 and SRR1."

Is this just another way of saying that address translation may raise 
an exception, and thus store exception state?  Or is this describing 
strange behavior, such as writing random data into these registers 
without raising an exception?  If there is the chance of changing these 
registers without a corresponding exception, then an obvious use for 
rfi is lost: switching from virtual mode to physical mode while jumping 
to the physical mode instruction pointer.  One can fill-out srr0 and 
srr1 while virtual addressing is enabled and handled by BAT registers 
(and external interrupts + decrementer exceptions are disabled), and 
then rfi.

3.  Cache aliases
In section 7.6.3 (of IBM's PEM v2.0) in regards to modifying the 
virtual address of a PTEG entry, "If the virtual address is being 
changed to a different address within the same hash class (primary or 
secondary), the following flow suffices: [psuedo code skipped] ... In 
this example, if the new address is not a cache synonym (alias) of the 
old address, care must be taken to also flush (or invalidate) from an 
on-chip cache any cache synonyms for the page.  Thus, a temporary 
virtual address that is a cache synonym with the page whose PTE is 
being modified can be assigned and then used for the cache flushing (or 

This sounds like the manual describes a cache which uses virtual, or 
psuedo-virtual tags.  I thought PowerPC uses physical cache tags.

The implications of the paragraph are nasty though ... an OS may unmap 
a page, map the same physical page to a new address within the same 
PTEG much later, and then cause side effects due to invalid cache 
state.  Perhaps the behavior is processor dependent?  Or must every 
PowerPC kernel flush a page from the cache when unmapping the page?

Thanks for any guidance,

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