Attempting to cross-compile newest -CURRENT

Sean Welch welchsm at
Wed Jul 2 14:35:43 PDT 2003

Thanks much!  I've made the corresponding changes to my 
environment so I think I'm ready to go.

By the way, I added -DNO_WERROR to the list on O'Brien's
suggestion.  I removed the -DNOFORTH option; should I also
remove the -DNO_FORTH option?  If not, what is the difference?

I did run into another rather strange problem yesterday
and I'm not sure what to do about it.  I'm going to have
to post a message to the current mailing list about it
I think.

I stopped a cross-compile in the middle and then restarted.
I got a kernel panic and was dropped down into the debugger
with a complaint that a directory didn't exist (or some such).
I glanced at the kernel dump but didn't save it.  After
rebooting into single user mode I ran fsck manually (been
having bad results with background fsck lately) and ended up
finding that my /usr/obj contained "unexpected softupdate
inconsistency"s.  I had it fix them and got everything
running again but now I have a directory that shows empty
using every swich on ls but refuses to be removed (even with
a force and after a chflags) with a message that the directory
isn't empty.  ?!?!  I can change the name but not move it to
another partition.

Any suggestions before I mail the current list?  I was really
hoping not to have to newfs this thing and start over.  It
doesn't seem to be hurting anything and I suppose I could try
to rename it to something else and just live with it....


-------Original Message-------
From: Peter Grehan <peterg at>
Sent: 07/01/03 06:44 PM
To: Sean_Welch at
Subject: Re: Attempting to cross-compile newest -CURRENT

> Hi Sean,

> I figured I'd double check my procedure with you.
> I'm still using the following for a make command:
tee /tmp/powerpc.log
> Are all of these options still needed?  (It sure would be nice
> to have an ssh!)

 PPC buildworld is done with "-DNOLIBC_R -DNOFORTH". You shouldn't have to 
use -DNO_WARN.

 DES has a periodic tinderbox build for PPC (and other arches), with the
results up at

 That's a good option to see if there's generic build-breakage (e.g. the
/rescue problems, which were fixed as of a few minutes ago).

> The patch I used on /usr/src is as follows (please post a new
> copy if this one has problems):

 I think that's a little out of data. The only file that needs to be
now is rs6000/config/freebsd.h, and the diff is at



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