iBook powerpc FreeBSD

Sean Welch welchsm at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 3 07:11:06 PST 2003

Hello!  It has been quite a while but I'm still following this list
and I'm impressed by the improvements in both build process
(cross compile) and capabilities.

I was wondering if you could offer a bit of clarification; I noticed
you make a distinction between older and newer machines when
it comes to using the console.  I saw it has something to do with
the fact that the newer machines have the keyboard attached
via the USB bus (?!?!?) so that something like a powerbook G4 
should be able to use the new console code but the old iBook 
(clamshell '99 era) won't because it has an ADB type keyboard.
So if I want to use the console on my iBook I have either to
set a line in hints to disable the syscons code and revert to the
old OF console or hook a USB keyboard up to it?

How is the drive recovery coming?  I hope you won't have to 
scrap it and start over.  Particularly as you mentioned your
ssh keys are on that disk -- not fun being unable to use the


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