cross compile?

David Leimbach leimy2k at
Tue Dec 2 17:48:18 PST 2003

On Dec 2, 2003, at 7:16 PM, Peter Grehan wrote:

>> I have an ELF cross compiler for my Mac OS X box though I don't know 
>> if that will be enough.
>  Nah, cross-building on a non-FreeBSD platform (even another *BSD
> platform) is a bit of a nightmare due to slight differences in make
> syntax, utility params etc.
>  You also need a x-compiler built for FreeBSD to get the correct
> in-built definitions.
>  NetBSD is certainly much better at this: they seem to be able to
> cross-build on anything vaguely resembling Unix.
> later,

Interesting... I am able to use the ELF cross compiler to build the 
Pistachio variant of
L4 just fine... they must have different dependencies though  I suppose.


> Peter.

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