packaging a port that uses npm during build.

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Mon Oct 28 12:34:25 UTC 2019

On 28-10-2019 13:28, Adam Weinberger wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 5:17 AM Willem Jan Withagen <wjw at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The ceph ports should have a manager module called dashboard that
>> exists of a large bundle op JS-scripts that get installed with npm/node
>> during running make on the configured build.
>> Uptil now I've exclude that from builds, but that gets more and more
>> complicated. Ceph cluster status is not reported not healty if the
>> dashboard is not running....
>> Apart from the fact that npm does not like to be ran as 'root',
>> poudriere also complains about fetching data afte the fetch fase.
>> There are about 1000 npm-modules included in this project.
>> So that would be a large set of things to maintain correctly.
>> Is there a way around this?
>> Or does anybody here have experience with this?
>> I think I read once somewhere that there is also a "flag" that indicates
>> that the port wants network access during the build. Is that feasible?
> Can the modules be installed after installation? As in, does a
> package.json get installed somewhere? If so, I'd put the `npm install`
> instructions in pkg-message.

I'd have to dig deeper, but as far as I can now see it is a rather 
convoluted part of the Cmake infra that gets called by gmake to run 
several scripts and others...
But the hint is very temping if it was only like: call npm in something
like /usr/local/share/ceph/dasboard/frontend

> The flag you're talking about has to go in poudriere.conf, so it
> wouldn't be able to help much here. It's for local control.

What is the latest moment a (Make)script can get access to the network?
Tried finding this in the porters manual, but could not find that detail.


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