buzilla 214400: is is ports/head/base/binutils that is being reported on, freebsd-powerpc at FreeBSD.org assignee is wrong

Mark Millard markmi at dsl-only.net
Tue Mar 7 16:19:30 UTC 2017

You (danfe at FreeBSD.org) updated bugzilla 214400 but. . .

The notation base/binutils in the summary and
possibly elsewhere seems to have confused things:
This is about the port, not the base system files.

So I've added ports/head/ before base/binutils in
the Summary.

I've also put back the port version number in the

But I can not fix the assignee: it should not be
freebsd-powerpc at FreeBSD.org

Can you put back the correct assignee for a port

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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