devel/R-cran-gsubfn: broken because of missing dependency

Rainer Hurling rhurlin at
Tue Dec 19 06:04:53 UTC 2017

Hi Steven,

devel/R-cran-gsubfn was marked broken recently because it fails in 
staging with:

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Warning: S3 methods 'as.character.tclObj', 'as.character.tclVar', 
'as.double.tclObj', 'as.integer.tclObj', 'as.logical.tclObj', 
'as.raw.tclObj', 'print.tclObj', '[[.tclArray', '[[<-.tclArray', 
'$.tclArray', '$<-.tclArray', 'names.tclArray', 'names<-.tclArray', 
'length.tclArray', 'length<-.tclArray', 'tclObj.tclVar', 
'tclObj<-.tclVar', 'tclvalue.default', 'tclvalue.tclObj', 
'tclvalue.tclVar', 'tclvalue<-.default', 'tclvalue<-.tclVar', 
'close.tkProgressBar' were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
Error : package or namespace load failed for 'tcltk':
  .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details:
   call: fun(libname, pkgname)
   error: Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system
Error : unable to load R code in package 'gsubfn'
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'gsubfn'

It seems, that tcltk is needed as a dependency from FreeBSD ports. 
Something like USES=tcl and USES=tk should do the trick?

Best regards,
Rainer Hurling

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