www/elinks && JavaScript

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Thu May 21 05:14:47 UTC 2015

El día Thursday, May 21, 2015 a las 06:17:16AM +0800, Ben Woods escribió:

> Can you please check if the SPIDERMONKEY option was enabled when your
> package was built?
> $ pkg info elinks | grep SPIDERMONKEY

# pkg info elinks | grep SPIDERMONKEY 
        SPIDERMONKEY   : on

> It is disabled in the default configuration and therefore in the normal
> FreeBSD package sets. You may need to compile that one from ports (or
> better yet your own poudriere) and enable the SPIDERMONKEY option when you
> do.

I compiled all the ports with my on poudriere bakery machine. Only this
one and spidermonkey I have now compiled directly from the ports tree
(but based on the same SVN revision as the ports tree in my poudriere)
to be able to play around easier with the option. I can check or change
whatever you want me to do.


Matthias Apitz, guru at unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-170-4527211    +49-176-38902045
"Wenn der Mensch von den Umständen gebildet wird, so muß man die Umstände menschlich bilden."
"Si el hombre es formado por las circunstancias entonces es necesario formar humanamente
las circunstancias", Karl Marx in Die heilige Familie / La sagrada familia (MEW 2, 138)

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