net-mgmt/p5-Cflow silently broken

Garrett Wollman wollman at
Wed May 13 19:26:22 UTC 2015

net-mgmt/p5-Cflow has been silently broken for some time, and I'm not
sure how properly to fix it.

When the port's configure phase runs, it correctly determines that it
should use OSU flow-tools, according to its own output.  However, this
does not make it into the generated Makefile, which should include
both "-DOSU" and "-I/usr/local/include" in CCFLAGS.  When -DOSU is not
defined for compilation, the module compiles successfully but to a
non-working state that doesn't actually invoke the flow-tools library
-- it treats the input file like raw cflow data (which it isn't).

This used to work (in recent memory).  I'm not sure what broke it, but
I suspect it was mat@'s change in r373901.  I've temporarily worked
around the problem (by building a package manually) but that will
break the next time Perl gets updated.


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