damage to pkg's sqlite data base

Anton Shterenlikht mexas at bris.ac.uk
Tue May 12 09:03:54 UTC 2015

>Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 09:52:14 +0100
>From: Matthew Seaman <matthew at freebsd.org>
>> 	2) how might such an event be avoided/prevented in the future?
>It's pretty rare judging by the lack of complaints we've had.  So long

Happened several times to me.

I never bothered to complain, thinking I messed someting up.
Since it's so easy to start from scratch,
i.e. delete all packages and replace anew,
corrupt pkg database hasn't really been a big
issue for me. I do think, however, that there
must be other reasons for corruption, except
an interruption at just the wrong time.

BTW, what's the use of /var/cache/pkg?
It's grown to > 2GB. Can I safely delete
all packages from there?



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